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Mental Health

Please reach out to your school counselor if you are in need of mental health support.
Comuníquese con su consejera si necesita apoyo de salud mental.
suicide prevention hotline
CA Youth Crisis Line
Virtual Wellness Center

Virtual Wellness Center

Click here for activities and resources to support the well-being of staff, students and parents. This support page is organized and managed by the San Diego County Office of Education. 
San Diego County Office of Edu

Your space to explore your mental health journey.

Confidential support for 13- to 25-year-olds in California. No cost. No pressure. Chat 1:1 with a professional coach, use interactive tools to destress, or explore quizzes, videos, forums, and more. You choose!


Whatever you're feeling, we're here to help.

Click here for more information.


BrightLife Kids is now live (and free!) for all California families. Click here for more information.